Heiwa Karate-Do

About our Dojo

“While many people think and believe that Karate is a "fighting art," Okinawan Karate has always been a “self defence art.” While some teachers in some parts of the world teach “how to fight,” we teach “how not to fight.” In case one is faced with an unavoidable fight others teach “how to win,” but we teach “how not to lose.”

Master YAGI Meitatsu 10th Dan

Our Black Belt Instructors

Ben Harapiak

3rd Dan

Etienne & Joan Legyue

3rd Dan

Wes Friesen

2nd Dan

Matthew Schmidt

2nd Dan

Johise Namwira

1st Dan

David Pinette

2nd Dan

Jeyi Namwira

1st Dan

Jeremy Malanik

1st Dan

Shawn Rattai

1st Dan

Nathaniel Rattai

1st Dan

Jolyn Sawatzky

1st Dan

Rolf Oswald

3rd Dan

Edgar French

1st Dan

Black Belt Alumni